Hello, I'm

Hi, Welcome to my portfolio website. Here you can find information about me, and some of the projects I have worked on.

Hero image

About Me

I am a recently graduated Software developer aspiring to find a job in development. I have experience working with C#, .NET, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, MySQL, HTML, CSS and Git. I am a quick learner and I'm always looking to expand my knowledge and skill sets. I am a team player and am exited to work with others to create amazing projects.

  • C#
  • .NET
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • CSS
  • Git

My Projects

  • Clean Architecture Enterprise Boiler Plate

    This is an enterprise boilerplate API with Clean Architecture in C# and .NET to ensure a scalable and maintainable code structure for enterprise applications. The project includes a RESTful API, Entity Framework Core, and a SQL Server database. The project is also integrated with Swagger for API documentation

  • Portfolio Website

    This is a portfolio website built with React and Tailwind CSS. The website is responsive and mobile-friendly. The website is also integrated with Framer Motion for animations and React Router for navigation. The website is deployed on Vercel.

Let's Connect

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open.

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